Are you avoiding your intuitions?

3 min readSep 11, 2022
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“When we start something new” means we are doing something for the first time, for instance — we are talking to strangers, joining a new coaching class, choosing a career, joining a new job, and so on. Many kinds of events happen, time to time as we go ahead in our life, which is obvious. In this blog I am talking about intuitions we feel before doing something or in the starting period of something.

It doesn’t matter that we already know about our task / event / situation or not, but still we get some intuition that we should do that or not to do that. We can easily understand this in other words. Most of you would agree that when we meet someone for the first time, we feel that I am very comfortable with them even though we have only been talking for a few minutes. And sometimes we feel so uncomfortable with them, while he neither said anything wrong nor did any misbehave.

Same happens with job, business meeting, family occasion, travel vocation, etc. And this all happens because of intuitions. As we believe that there is some eternal power and intelligence, which guides us time to time when needed. The intuitions we receive, mostly we mix it with our desire and knowledge. And we take that intuition in another direction and take actions accordingly. Simply we can say that we avoid our intuition, because we don’t accept it in its pure form.

I am not saying that our intuitions are 100% correct but 90–95% intuitions are correct and 5–10% intuitions maybe not correct. And we do the opposite, we avoid 90–95% intuitions and follow only 5–10% intuitions (This is not on the basis of research, this is according to my experiences).

Later when we realize that initially I got intuition but still I didn’t listen to it, and now I’m in trouble. Then we regret it and try to figure it out.

Is it possible not to regret?

What if we make the right decision in the beginning and don’t have to regret? We should listen to our intuition, I am not saying that our every decision should be based on intuitions as I mentioned that “90–95% intuitions are correct and but 5–10% intuitions maybe not correct.” But the best thing we do is, whatever intuitions you are receiving, negative or positive, think about that once again.

Let’s understand this with example:

If you are talking to strangers and intuition comes, stay away from them. Don’t just run away, stay there and try to figure out what’s wrong, observe that person and don’t trust blindly, let them earn your trust. Just like that, when intuition comes that they are good people. Then figure out why they are good?

Means, whatever the intuition says, once check it yourself that if to do it then why do it and if don’t do it then why not do it. And when you get your answer, take action immediately. By doing this you can properly utilize your intuitions in your favour.




I love travelling, book reading and writing. I love thinking about things. So whatever comes to my mind, I write it down.